How to create a new activation key in Activation Server


You may need to generate a new activation key when the expiry date of a license needs to be changed


To generate a new activation key, proceed as follows:




In AS, click on Keys > Create an activation key.


Select the product name FS Pro 2013.


Select the Module ID...

FS Pro 2013


Click the icon “select a customer” to the right of Registered Customer Name and search for or add the customer’s details. You will very likely know who this key is for. 


If you ...

Then ...

want to change the number of users for this license

  • Enter the number of users you want in the field Number of users, and
  • Select the checkbox Overwrite value in license file

Don’t want to change the number of users for this license

Leave the value in the field Number of users as 0.

Tip: a license that is activated with a license key already has a number of users. If you want to overwrite that value with an activation key you need to check the checkbox Overwrite value in license file, otherwise it will not have any effect.


If you want to...

Then ...

Change the number of days the license is valid

  • Enter the value in the field Number of days to evaluate, and
  • Select or don’t select the checkbox Overwrite value in license file

Reference: see the example in next Block on the effect of overwriting a value.

define a fixed expiry date of the license

Enter the expiry date in the field Expiry Date.


  • Change Demo version to No, and
  • Change State of activation to Activated. 


Change the value of Maximum Key / ID usage to

  • 2 in case of a regular installation on desktop/laptop.


Enter a note with today’s date, your name and the reason why you create this key.

For example: June 23, 2014 Filip: server key for customer XYZ, see order #xxx.


Click the button Create Key.

Result: you will see a key that you can copy and paste in your communication with the customer.

Example: overwriting a value

Suppose a user has activated a 1 year subscription of FS Pro 2013, and currently has 20 days left before his license expires.

If you give him an activation key with “number of days to evaluate” = 365, and he applies the key, then he will have 20 = 365 = 385 days before his license expires.

If you give him an activation key with “number of days to evaluate” = 365 and check the checkbox “overwrite value in license file”, and he applies the key, then he will have exactly 365 days before his license expires, because you have overwritten the remaining 20 days.

The actual use case will define whether or not you have to overwrite this value.


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