5.0.40 (August 30, 2017)
- Resolved issues with adding getting disabled
- Resolved issues with adding New Maps
- Added new style to prevent numbering to restart in a continued block
5.0.39 (November 2, 2016)
- Small bugfixes
5.0.38 (October 18, 2016)
- Resolved issues with font sizes of continued map titles and block titles
- Resolved issue with numbering of numbered list restarting at 1 after a "Continue page"
- Resolved issue with inconsistent page numbering in Topic/See page tables
- Resolved issue with dialog box disappearing when trying to select a custom bullet in Style Manager
- Resolved issue with Block line style always being italic regardless of settings in Style Manager
- Resolved Exception errors when converting and opening specific FS Pro 4.x files
- Using the "Continue" feature when in a table of contents is now invalidated and an error message is displayed
- Two successive block lines are now marked as invalid in the Outline Pane of the document
- Values for block label width are now checked and invalidated if out of range
- When the conversion of FS Pro 4.x documents cannot complete, an error message is displayed and editing is not blocked anymore
- Removed the feature from the Style Manager to set the vertical alignment of text paragraphs
5.0.37 (June 17, 2016)
- Resolved issue with stylesheet path pointing to a network drive when publishing a document
- Resolved issue with message about digital signature expiration
- Resolved issue with aborted publication of documents that contained components that were not valid according to Information Mapping principles
- Resolved issue with font size change in Continued Map Title.
5.0.36 (May 3, 2016)
- Resolved issue with bullet and block line style
- Continued map title can be styled in style manager
- Added system setting to disable table styles
5.0.35 (April 29, 2016)
- New style added in the Style Manager for Table Header and Table Body background color
- New style added in the Style Manager for Block Label and Block Text background color
- Resolved Style Manager issue: "View" button doesn’t change to "Edit" when creating a new style set
- Improved: selecting a custom bullet-symbol in the Style Manager
- Improved "VSTO" error message
- Fixed text alignment when inserting a new row in a Step/Action table
- Improved reliability when adding a new Block
- Resolved “Index was out of range”-error
- Fixed cursor position when applying a new style set
5.0.34 (February 8, 2016)
- No more worries when Word crashes. FS Pro Assistant is a new add-in that makes re-enabling FS Pro a breeze.
- Now it’s easy to create your own customized style set—and lock it in as the standard for all your FS Pro users!
- Title Numbering and Continue All Pages open faster and work more efficiently, even with larger documents.
- Now you can publish your document to XML or HTML 5 with no annoying error messages.
- Page numbering within Topic/See Page tables is now consistent and accurate.
- Converting documents created in older versions of FS Pro to FS Pro 2013 is smoother than ever, with fewer error messages.
5.0.33 (October 22, 2015)
- Word 2016 compatibility
- Shapes can be formatted (bug fix)
- Small fix in the Style Manager
- Fix for issue when Word is started in embedded mode.
5.0.32 (October 19, 2015)
- FS Pro is now also available in Russian
- Improved conversion of existing documents
- Enhancements to the title numbering
- Several bug fixes
5.0.31 (August 20, 2015)
- Bug fix for title numbering
5.0.30 (August 19, 2015)
- Windows 10 compatibility
- Updated Style Manager More information
- Reinstallation is now possible with the same license key
- Improved document conversion
- Bug fix when FS Pro is used with the License Manager
- Several bug fixes and improvements
5.0.29 (June 24, 2015)
- Improved conversion of large documents, oversized pictures, and tables
- The FS Pro document is no longer automatically saved after conversion
- Bug fixes in the continue and remove continue functions
- Bug fix when exporting and importing custom settings
5.0.28 (May 6, 2015)
- In Citrix environments, it is possible to prevent FS Pro from checking if Word is running in embedded mode
- Table rows can now also be automatically numbered in a reused Block
5.0.27 (April 9, 2015)
- Title numbering can be removed now from a document
- Title numbering is now also published to HTML/XML
- Custom style sheets are added to the published output now
- Custom tables are published correctly
- Selected text is properly highlighted in Word 2013
- The “caption” style is considered valid now
- Bug fix for continued oversized tables
- Bullet Text 3 now wraps properly on the second line
5.0.26 (February 13, 2015)
- A new Settings file gives extra configuration options to administrators More information
- Document conversion now also works when the Word Templates directory is not the default one
- Bug fix when FS Pro 2013 is used in combination with Adobe Acrobat Pro XI
- The recent color list in the Style Manager is now limited in length
- Bug fix when inserting custom tables in Word 2007
- Improvements in the conversion of existing documents, continue and attach FS Pro
5.0.25 (December 17, 2014)
- FS Pro 2013 can be activated using an internal license server. More information
- Bug fixes for several exceptions
- You can update a Topic/See Page table with Track Changes on now.
- Improvements in document conversion.
- Small interface enhancements
5.0.24 (October 13, 2014)
- Word 2013 no longer asks to save styles.dotx
- The Topic/See Page table shows custom page numbers now
- Bug fix when inserting a Map or Block
- Bug fix in Topic/See Page where all page numbers were identical
- Fixes for several other exceptions
5.0.23 (September 8, 2014)
- Update of the Publish functionality. More information
- Performance improvements for large documents
- Bug fix so the Style Manager shows all Word fonts
- Bug fix when continuing embedded tables
- All links in the TOC now work when you save your document as PDF
- Improvements in Title Numbering
5.0.22 (May 8, 2014)
- Fix for the error “wp is an undeclared prefix” when publishing a document
- Improvements to the conversion of older documents
- Bug fixes when continuing tables and removing continued tables
- Bug fixes for a number of other table functions
5.0.21 (April 9, 2014)
- Conversion of older documents is done within the current document
- Performance improvement for larger documents
- Fixes for the most common exceptions
- Selected text is properly highlighted in Word 2013
- Updates to translations
5.0.20 (February 12, 2014)
- FS Pro is now available in UK English
- The digital signature for shortcuts.dotm is renewed
- Block gridlines are displayed by default
- Hyperlinks in Topic/See Page tables work correctly in HTML output now
- Updates to the translation
5.0.19 (November 29, 2013)
- FS Pro opens a web page with a free e-book when the installation is finished.
- The custom width for a Block label is now correctly applied.
- Bug fixes when publishing a document with special characters.
5.0.18 (November 21, 2013)
- FS Pro no longer disables the Tab functionality in Word.
- When a document is opened in Protected View, the conversion now works and the outline pane is loaded.
- Bug fixes for the Delete Rows, Delete Maps and Title Numbering functions.
- Bug fixes for several exceptions
- A custom style in a style set is now still available when you reopen a document.
- A custom style is now allowed in tables.
5.0.17 (September 30, 2013)
- FS Pro is now available in Turkish
- Merged table cells (used for sub-headers in lengthy tables) are no longer automatically numbered
- Bug fix for a commonly reported exception
- New popup window appears when a subscription is about to expire
- Bug fix in US templates in the Template Manager
5.0.16 (August 8, 2013)
- No empty paragraphs are added before the Map title anymore when you insert an Overview Map before an existing Map
- Fixed installation issue on Windows 7 32 bit PCs
5.0.15 (July 12, 2013)
Bug fixes for a number of common exceptions:
- Index out of range
- The requested member of the collection does not exist
- The number must be between 0 and 1584
5.0.14 (July 9, 2013)
- FS Pro is now compatible with Windows 8 and Word 2013
- Bug fixes when publishing a document that contains images or hyperlinks
- Fix for the error “URI formats are not supported”
- Conversion works for documents with vertically merged cells and notes
- Bug fixes when continuing a page
- Bug fix when inserting a Map between 2 other Maps
- Empty paragraph added before a picture that is inserted in a new Block
5.0.13 (June 7, 2013)
Bug fixes to tables and custom tables:
- Step and Stage columns are by default now
- The buttons Number Rows and Insert Row are disabled when the cursor is not in a table
- Number Rows now also works for custom tables
- Custom tables are always correctly saved and appear in the dropdown list (under Table Manager) immediately
- Custom oversized tables are created correctly
Bug fixes to Continue and Continue All Pages:
- Continuing with the cursor on a Map title now works correctly
- Continuing is not allowed before the third row of a table
- The text "Continued on next page" is correctly displayed when using Continue All Pages
5.0.12 (May 6, 2013)
Small fix in the installer
5.0.11 (May 3, 2013)
- Conversion of FS Pro 3.0 documents is added
- Bug fixes in conversion of FS Pro 4.x documents
- The default style set is correctly remembered now
- Fix to display HTML output correctly in IE8
- Keyboard shortcuts are added
5.0.10 (April 18, 2013)
Performance improvement of the Outline pane and live validation
5.0.9 (April 15, 2013)
- The FS Pro shortcut is available for all users on a PC
- Fix to enable Block button every time it should be enabled
- Installer: improved check for availability of VSTO runtime
- Better exception handling when opening a document
5.0.8 (March 1, 2013)
- Add the Normal style to the style list outside of a Block
- Fix size of “Continued” in Continued Map title
- Fix Word crash when refreshing the Outline Pane while the cursor is on a Block label.
5.0.7 (February 20, 2013)
- Fix the error “Requested Clipboard operation did not succeed.”
- Remove extra height of a Block after using Remove Continue
- Improve continuing an oversized table
- Fix Continue error “Value cannot be null”
5.0.6 (February 07, 2013)
- Fix installation / runtime error on Office 64-bit.
- Small textual updates in the user interface
- Update US Proposal template.doc
- Better conversion of Note Text
- Small improvements to performance
- Fix Style Manager error for non-English versions of Word.
- FS Pro will ask users to restart Word after doing an update.
- Currently selected language is properly displayed in the language dropdown list
- Fix error in Title Numbering when a Map was continued
5.0.5 (January 18, 2013)
- Fix for live validation
- Auto-register FS Pro if it is installed by another user
5.0.4 (January 10, 2013)
- Fix Show borders property in the Table Manager
- Fix for inserting a Block at the correct location
- Fix Builtin Styles error for FS Pro 4.x documents
- Continued Maps are correctly saved as reusable Maps
- FS Pro template is read-only to prevent style changes
- Fixes for live validation
5.0.3 (December 17, 2012)
- Prevent conversion on read-only documents
- Update Help Files
- New FS Pro 2013 Tutorial link in Help dropdown list
5.0.2 (December 12, 2012)
- Update language dropdown list in the ribbon
- Fix Builtin Styles error in non-English languages
5.0.1 (December 6, 2012)
New features
- Reusable Maps and Blocks
- Integrated Style Manager
- Intuitive new user interface
- Update All Topic/See Page Tables
- "Assisted Mode" to better support the Information Mapping method
- Live validation of the document structure and styles
- Publishing to mobile devices
- Windows 8 and Word 2013 support