Managing users on the License Manager

Intended audience

This topic is intended for system administrators. It describes how you can

  • see which users have an FS Pro license
  • grant a license to a user upfront
  • block a user, or
  • unblock a user.

Which users have an FS Pro license?

In the administrator interface, the Licensed Users page shows which users have requested and been successfully granted an FS Pro license. For each user the following information is listed:

  • Domain/User ID
  • System information
  • Last license request
  • Offline

You can sort the information in each column by clicking the arrows in the table header.

Location: http://youserserverOrIp:UsedPort/admin/#/licenses



Granting a license to a user

You can grant a license to a user before the user has actually connected to the License Manager. This way you can be sure a license is allocated to this user.

To grant a license to user, proceed as follows:




Go to the License Overview page.


Enter the Domain\UserID in the field under Grant License.

Click Grant License.


Result: The user is added the Licensed Users list. The system information still displays "None" and the "Last License Request" displays "Never". When the user will connect to the server for the first time, this information will be updated automatically.

Blocking a user

You can block a user from using FS Pro in 2 ways on the "Licensed Users" page:

  • With domain id: Do as follows:




Enter the Domain\UserID in the field under Block User.


Click Block User.


  • With the licensed users list: Do as follows:




Select the user in the Licensed Users list.


Click Block User on top of the table.


Result: The user is added to the list of Blocked Users and will not be able to use FS Pro anymore.

Unblocking a user

You can unblock a user, or remove him from the list of Blocked Users. Then he will be able to use FS Pro again in case licenses are still available.

To unblock a user, proceed as follows:




Go to the Blocked Users page. 


  • Select the user in the Blocked Users list.
  • Click Unblock User on top of the table.


Result: The user is removed from the Blocked Users list. The next time, he/she starts FS Pro and is successfully granted a license, he will appear in the Licensed Users list again.

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