Configuring the License Manager

Intended audience

This topic is intended for system administrators. 


The License Manager is configured through a web.config file. In this file you can change the following items:

  • The location of the files repository.xml and movements.xml. This should be a directory where the server can write to
  • The path to and name of the log file
  • The path to and name of the license file
  • The security settings, to define who has access to the administrator interface

Path to and name of the license file

The web.config file contains the following settings for the file locations:


    <add key="PersistanceLocation" value="c:\Temp"/>

    <add key="License" value="c:\Temp\License.xml"/>

    <file value="c:\Temp\Log.txt" />


Warning: Ensure that these settings are configured correctly to avoid connection issues to the License Manager. 

Security settings

The security settings limits the access to the administrator interface to pc administrators only. If required, you can change this to another group.

The web.config file contains the following security settings:


<location path="admin">
<allow roles="Administrators"/>
<deny users="*"/>
<location path="api/licenses">
<allow roles="Administrators"/>
<deny users="*"/>
<location path="api/sessions">
<allow users="*"/>


If you want to allow everyone access the admin page change


<allow roles="Administrators"/>
<deny users="*"/>


<allow users="*"/>


If you wish to allow access to a specific domain group us this syntax:

<allow users="DOMAIN\Domain Admins"/>
<deny users="DOMAIN\Domain Users"/>

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