FS Pro compatibility chart

This chart shows the compatibility of FS Pro versions with Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Word.

  • The FS Pro 4.x products are no longer sold or supported.
  • The FS Pro 2013 products are no longer sold and support will end on January 1st 2018.
  • FS Pro 7.0.3.x the feature autonumbering is currently not compatible with version < Word 2019 
  FS Pro 4.3 FS Pro 2013 FS Pro 2020 FS Pro 7.x FS Pro 8.x
Windows 11






Windows 10


 (FS Pro v5.0.30 and above) 




Windows 8





Windows 7





Windows Vista





Windows XP






Windows Server 2016





Windows Server 2012





Windows Server 2008





Windows Server 2003





Word 2021








Word 2019








Word 2016



 (FS Pro v5.0.33 and above) 




Word 2013







Word 2010





Word 2007





Word 2003






What about Office 365?

"Office 365" refers to subscription plans that include access to Office applications plus other productivity services that are enabled over the Internet (cloud services). An Office 365 subscription may or may not include the desktop version of Word (2021).

FS Pro for Word is compatible with Word for desktop. FS Pro for Word is not compatible with Word Online. However you can look for the option "Open in Desktop App"  mceclip0.png

Windows XP support

Warning: As of March 2014 Information Mapping no longer supports Windows XP. We follow the OS manufacturer's support scheme in this respect. Per Microsoft, support for Windows XP ended as of April 8, 2014. 

Mac support

FS Pro is not compatible with Mac software. However, our FS Pro software can run on a Mac under a virtual machine that runs a Windows OS (e.g. using Parallels). In order to establish this, you should run a virtual machine on your Mac, and run a version of the Windows OS in the virtual machine. You must run a desktop version (not online/cloud) of Microsoft Word (for Windows) in your Windows OS. After that, you can install FS Pro as an add-in to the Microsoft Word (for Windows) that you have installed.

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