How Do I Add New Licenses to the License Manager?


  • Your organization has installed the FS Pro License Manager to manage user licenses internally.
  • You have recently purchased additional FS Pro licenses. You would like to manage these licenses using the License Manager.

Adding Licenses to Your License File

Before you can manage your new FS Pro licenses using the License Manager, you must submit a request to Information Mapping Support.

  • To add new licenses to your existing License File, send an email to Include the following in the email:
    • Your System Key
    • The new amount FS Pro licenses that need to be added
    • A copy of the signed PO 
  • Within 2 business days, the support team will provide you with an updated license file.

Updating License Procedure

If you have received a new 'License.xml' file, follow these steps to update your license server:

Step Action

Locate License File: Determine the current location of the 'License.xml' file, which is specified in the 'Web.config' file.

The default path is usually `<add key="License" value="c:\temp\License.xml" />`.


Replace License File: Substitute the old 'License.xml' file with the new one provided by us at the specified location.


Restart IIS Server:  To apply the changes, restart the IIS server.



After restarting the IIS server, revisit http://[IP-of-licensemanager]/Admin/#/serverInfo to ensure the 'Expiry Date' reflects the updated license validity.

Should you encounter any issues or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact support at

Have more questions? Submit a request
