Inserting New Blocks


The Block function inserts a Block into a document.

Cursor placement

Use the table below to decide where to place your cursor based on where you want to insert the new Block.

If you want to insert the new Block ...Then place your cursor ...
between two Blocks  between the Blocks or inside the Block above the location where you want to insert the new Block. 
as the last Block on a page  inside or below the last Block on the page.


Use the table below to insert a new Block.

 Information Mapping Ribbon Group  Click Block.
 Key Combination  Press [Alt]+N,B

Warning: Make sure to type your Block label and Block text within the two-column Block gridline.

If you do not see the Block gridlines

  • place your cursor inside a Block or table to display the Word Layout tab 
  • select the Layout tab to display the Layout ribbon, and 
  • click View Gridlines.
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