Creating Customized Tables


The Table Manager function allows you to create customized tables to be reused repeatedly.

When to use

Create customized tables when you have a table that appears across multiple documents to keep

  • from having to retype the same information repeatedly, and 
  • the tables as consistent as possible, even when there are multiple authors.

Example: If all the documents you create must have a Roles and Responsibilities table, then you can create a customized table for roles and responsibilities with predefined table headers and appropriate column widths. Whenever you need the Roles and Responsibilities table, you simply insert it into the document where it belongs and complete the rest of the sentence.



Follow the steps below to create a custom table.



Select Table Manager from the Present ribbon group.

Result: The Table Manager dialog box appears.


Complete the Properties section of the Table Manager dialog box, to include
  • deselecting the Show Borders box if you do not want the borders of the table to show 
  • checking the Oversize box if you want the table to be oversized 
  • specifying the number of columns and rows you want to have when you insert the table into your document (Note: The number of columns in the Property section dictates the number of columns that will appear for formatting in the adjacent Columns section of the dialog box.), and 
  • specifying the height of each row of the table.


Complete the Columns section of the Table Manager dialog box, to include
  • specifying the titles of the table headers 
  • specifying the width of each column, and 
  • selecting the cell justification for the column from the drop down menu in the Align column.


Click the Save As button.

Result: The Table Name dialog box appears.


Type a

  • name for the table in the Name field, and
  • description of the table in the Description field.


Click the OK button.

Result: The name of the table is added to the

  • list of User Defined tables on the Tables tab of the Table Manager dialog box, and 
  • Table Manager drop-down menu.
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