Inserting Bullets


The Bullets function inserts three levels of bullets into a Block or table.

Important: Use FS Pro bullets only

Information Mapping strongly urges you to avoid using Word bullets, and to only use FS Pro bullets for the reasons listed below.

  • Word bullets have different spacing than FS Pro bullets. Using a combination of Word and FS Pro bullets will result in inconsistent spacing. 
  • Word bullets do not have an FS Pro style attached, which is needed when updating the style properties in the Style Manager, or converting files to XML.

Cursor placement

Place your cursor in the Block or table where you want to insert the bullets.

Toolbar options

Use the table below to determine how to use the Formatting ribbon group icons to insert Bullet Text.

Click this Formatting ribbon group icon ...To ...
 Bullets  insert Bullet Text 1. 
 Numbered Bullets   insert Numbered List 1. 
 Promote after inserting bulleted text  quickly change
  • Bullet Text or Numbered List 3 to Bullet Text or Numbered List 2 
  • Bullet Text or Numbered List 2 to Bullet Text or Numbered List 1, or 
  • Bullet Text or Numbered List 1 to Block Text or Table Text.
 Demote after inserting bulleted text

quickly change

  • Bullet Text or Numbered List 1 to Bullet Text or Numbered List 2, or 
  • Bullet Text or Numbered List 2 to Bullet Text or Numbered List 3.

Key combination

The table below lists the key combinations for Bullet Text styles.

StyleKey Combination
Bullet Text 1  [Alt]+P,1 
Bullet Text 2 [Alt]+P,2
Bullet Text 3 [Alt]+P,3
Numbered List 1 -
Numbered List 2 -
Numbered List 3 -
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