Did not receive the forget password or reset password email?


Keep in mind that it is possible for legitimate messages to trigger spam filtering, and it is possible for legitimate companies to be publicly blacklisted. There is a chance that DNS or server settings on the recipients end may be causing delivery issues. In short, a number of factors determine whether a message is delivered to your Inbox, your Junk E-mail folder or if it is blocked by your server as spam.

Here are a few guidelines to remember:

  • If an email has enough characteristics of spam, it will be moved into the Junk E-mail folder.
  • If an email has strong characteristics of spam, it will be deleted at the server level before ever reaching your inbox.
  • If the sender's DNS records are not set up properly, they may be inadvertently violating their own security protocols, resulting in delivery rejection/failure.
  • Misconfigured mail servers are also blocked by your server. Most misconfigured email servers do not have reverse DNS or they are trying to spoof (forge) a domain name. 





Check your incoming mail server

for example https://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx?action=mx%3ainformationmapping.com


Depending on the results from the previous step

If... Then...
Microsoft *.mail.protection.outlook.com

Check your Spam folder: https://outlook.office.com/mail/junkemail 

Steps to whitelist a domain in email in O365:

  1. Go to https://outlook.office.com/mail/options/mail/junkEmail
  2. Press the + Add in the "Safe sender and domains" and enter info@informationmapping.com



  1. Go to https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#search/info%40informationmapping.com | Perhaps the email was moved to Social or Promotions
  2. Go to https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#search/in%3Aspam+info%40informationmapping.com | If the message is here, open the message and push the button "Report not spam"



Contact your IT department and ask them to Report the message as False Positive:


Optional if the previous action is not sufficient enough:
Whitelist info@informationmapping.com, how to: https://help.proofpoint.com/Proofpoint_Essentials/Email_Security/Administrator_Topics/090_filtersandsenderlists/Whitelisting_Addresses

Barracuda *.barracudanetworks.com

Contact your IT department and ask them to Report the message as False Positive:
They can mark the message as “Not Spam in the message log” in ess.barracudanetworks.com (this way Barracuda can improve their services).


Optional if the previous action is not sufficient enough:
Whitelist info@informationmapping.com, how to:

https://campus.barracuda.com/product/essentials/doc/76939338/sender-and-recipient-analysis in Content Policies or Anti-Phishing)



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