Error Occurred in 'Create Map' An item with the same key has already been added.


An error occurred while attempting to add a new Map

The error message is displayed as shown below:

Error Occurred in 'Create Map'

Message: An item with the same key has already been added.

Possible Cause

The problem could arise if a Microsoft Custom Style is added with a name that already exists. It's important to ensure that each Microsoft Style has a unique name to avoid conflicts.


To resolve this issue, follow these steps

Step Action
1 In your Word document, go to the "Home" tab.

Click on the small arrow at the bottom right corner of the "Styles" group. This opens the Styles pane.


Press the button "Options..."


Select styles to show 'All styles'

5 Press "OK"

Search any Duplicate Style, and right mouse click on it.


Press "Modify..."


Give it a unique name:

Important Note: This must be an unused name. If you give it the name of an existing item, Microsoft Word will crash.


Press "OK"


You should now be able to insert a Map without any Error.

Optional technical side note information

For those delving into the log files found at:
C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Information Mapping\FS Pro 6\Log\logging.log

You will notice an indication of the duplicated name issue.

Specifically, an error message stating "ERROR Key already exists: Unresolved Mention6" is visible.


Below the complete log details: 

2024-01-30 10:30:13,811 [VSTA_Main] ERROR Key already exists: Unresolved Mention6
2024-01-30 10:30:13,816 [VSTA_Main] ERROR Create Map
System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
at InformationMapping.FSPro.PureOpenXmlHelper.CreateStyleMap(IEnumerable`1 styles, Boolean inverted)
at InformationMapping.FSPro.PureOpenXmlHelper.CreateInvertedStyleMap(Styles styles)
at InformationMapping.FSPro.Domain.OpenXmlElementController..ctor(String originalOxml, FontSet fontSet, UInt32 blockTableWidth, Boolean isNewElement)
at InformationMapping.FSPro.Word.Elements.OpenXmlMapController..ctor(String originalOxml, FontSet fontSet, Map info, UInt32 blockTableWidth, Boolean isNewElement)
at InformationMapping.FSPro.Word.Elements.Map.CreateViaOxml(Map info, IEnumerable`1 copyFrom, InfoType infoType)
at InformationMapping.FSPro.Word.Elements.Map.CreateNewFromPath(Map info, IEnumerable`1 copyFromPathName, InfoType infoType)
at InformationMapping.FSPro.Word.Elements.Map.CreateNewSet(Map info, IEnumerable`1 copyFrom, InfoType infoType)
at InformationMapping.FSPro.Word.Elements.Map.CreateNew(Map info, ReusableItem copyFrom, InfoType infoType)
at InformationMapping.FSPro.Word.RibbonHandler.<>c.<BtnMap_Click>b__68_0()
at InformationMapping.FSPro.Word.ExecutionGuard.ExecuteGuardedAction(String actionName, GuardedAction action, AttachDocument attachDocument, Boolean allowUndo, Boolean showProgress, Boolean rebuildOutline)
2024-01-30 10:30:13,830 [VSTA_Main] INFO
Exception Extra Fields: ParamName: ; HResult: -2147024809
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