6.2.4 (September 25, 2020)
- When removing a "continued on next page" in a table, the row numbers in that table will reappear in the middle.
- Blocks will jump to the next page when inserting a "Continued on next page", even when the "Page Break Before" option for Map Titles is not checked.
- Sentences and the space after sentences got damaged when cross referencing. The rest of these sentences do not appear as a Cross Reference anymore.
- There is no more extra space above a continued table.
- When saving a FS Pro document as a PDF, all table lines are visible in the PDF document.
- When importing a Style Set, the Style Set will no longer be duplicated in the Style Manager (local version).
- You no longer need to add a Map to activate the Block function when opening a new/existing document and changing the Style Set.
- It is possible to change the style 'Hyperlink' in the Style Set again.