7.0.1 (December 21, 2021)
- New graphical look and feel (FSPRO2020-428)
- Fix: FSPRO2020-436: On-Prem License Server
Advised to also update the License server to 1.5 if your company is using one. Last version can be downloaded here: https://support.informationmapping.com/hc/en-us/articles/202274641-Where-do-I-download-the-License-Server- - Fix: FSPRO2020-422: Change License expired message
- Fix: FSPRO2020-417: Insert row in table - changes first column contents
- Fix: FSPRO2020-416: Bulleted List - Error in Outline Page
- Fix: FSPRO2020-414: Page Break Before for headers
- Fix: FSPRO2020-413: insert image/video outside the blocks
- Fix: FSPRO2020-412: Clear temp folders
- Fix: FSPRO2020-410: share custom items 'reusable sections, chapters and parts'