How do I install and activate FS Pro for Word silently?


An unattended or silent installation is an installation that

  • does not require user intervention, and
  • does not display the progress of the installation.

Before you begin

  • Before installing the latest fs pro msi, please manually remove all existing fs pro installations from your computer!

  • When installing the .msi, the following dependencies need to be installed first:


Procedure for silent installation

Proceed as follows to install FS Pro for Word silently:

Step Action

Download the FS Pro for Word MSI package from this reference location:

Reference: Where do I download FS Pro for Word?


Create a batch file containing the command below , but make sure the .msi filename in this command to match the name of the the downloaded .msi from step 1 above

c:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe /i FSPro7-0.msi /qn /l* FSPro-silent.log

3 Put both the downloaded MSI file and the batch file in the same folder

Run the .bat file by double-clicking it.

Result: FS Pro is installed silently.

If this device is used by multiple users that need to have access to the FS Pro Add-In you can run the .bat file that is located in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Information Mapping\FS Pro 6\Register FS Pro Addin.bat so the Add-In is correctly registered into the word register.
Our software can currently only be installed Admin based as we want to give the administrator full control of when an update is installed.

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